Sound Advice

Not all podcasts are this good. Listen to ours to hear for yourself

The audio medium is perfect for discussing concepts and ideas; it’s also an intimate medium, so it’s ideal for personal topics like the menopause, happiness, and emotional intelligence at work, too.

Our audio resources for your learners are called Sound Advice.

Listen to the podcast trailer with our regular host and ex-BBC presenter, Sue Marchant.

In under 10 minutes

Practical takeaway

All Sound Advice podcasts include an easy-to-do and impactful 'takeaway' activity, plus a downloadable 4-minute learning guide.

Use the Sound Advice podcasts to get your people thinking about - and acting on - topical workplace issues, and to trigger discussions in your meetings, workshops and one-to-one conversations.

Key benefits of Sound Advice

  • Interesting, short conversations with expert guest speakers
  • Perfect for ‘learning with your eyes closed’ away from the screen
  • High-quality production
  • Professional content blended with conversational style
  • Brought to life with real stories and examples
  • Practical tips plus ‘takeaway activity’ to transfer learning
  • For private listening, and to prompt discussion in group learning.

Two featured Sound Advice podcasts for July 2024

Thriving Through Change

Collaboration at Work

See the full list of podcast titles and topics