Skills Challenges generate instant results!

People learn best when they’re prompted to think and encouraged to practise

Skills Challenges are designed to question, engage and inform

These popular interactive activities:

  • Promote active thinking
  • Encourage practice and transfer of learning
  • Take just 5 minutes to complete
  • Generate an instant score
  • Provide a safe place for skills practice
  • Are learner and performance focused
  • Integrate readily with your other resources
  • Complement WATCH & GO® videos and podcasts
  • Cover a wide range of management and personal effectiveness topics
  • Use a mix of formats to maintain interest.

“It is very generous of you to provide this

resource free of charge and I utilise everything

I can to fill learning and development gaps.”

Skills Challenges Subscriber July 2023

How to use Skills Challenges

Don’t keep these wonderful resources hidden in your Learning Management System! We show you how to use direct links to specific Skills Challenges to enhance performance every day. Use in your internal communications, in webinar and meeting ‘Chat’ functions, and in team competitions too. There are lots of applications – be as creative as you wish!

Get them for free

Whilst our customers get the fully inclusive, integrated version, you can sign up to receive new Skills Challenges each month for free - even if we haven’t quite tempted you to work with us (yet!).

Understanding Imposter Syndrome