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New Skills Challenge

Growth Mindset

Do you strive to enhance your intelligence and skills through effort and perseverance? Or do you tend to avoid challenges, believing that your talents are fixed and cannot be improved?

Embracing a growth mindset can significantly help you achieve your goals and develop your abilities, talents, and skills. With this mindset, you can turn challenges into opportunities, continuously grow, and achieve both personal and professional success.

‘Growth Mindset’ is the latest in our monthly series of interactive activities. Try it for yourself and sign up to receive these brilliant learning tools each month for free.

New Sound Advice podcast

Invaluable Introverts

Approximately half of the population are inclined towards inverted behaviour, yet our workplaces often favour extroverted behaviours. Noisy open plan offices and the expectation for spontaneous contributions in meetings can be challenging for introverts. In our new Sound Advice podcast, author and consultant Shola Kaye offers practical ideas to ensure that everyone's voice is heard and valued.

If you’d like to listen to this new podcast and assess our other online resources, please get in touch and ask for a free trial of WATCH & GO®. Request a trial.

Hot Topic for January: Growth Mindset

Each month we curate a mini toolkit of multimedia resources on a hot topic in Learning & Development.

Our WATCH & GO® subscribers have full access to this toolkit automatically.

How would you like a toolkit of easy-access bite-sized resources for all your people each month?

Why not get in touch or complete our free trial request?

For January, the hot topic is: Growth Mindset

Our ‘Growth Mindset’ mini toolkit for January, gets 2025 off to a positive start! We’ve been ‘unlocking people’s potential’ for decades; now the increasing importance of positive psychology in the workplace puts our mindset at the heart of success and achievement. This month’s mini selection of resources provides inspiration for personal development, thriving through change and learning from mistakes. And there are useful tips for learning from feedback, too. Just add effort, an open mind and a willingness to embrace something new!

Resources included in our January mini toolkit are:

Videos:  Learning from Mistakes: The No Blame Gain and Receiving Feedback

Podcasts:  Thriving Through Change and Being Curious

Interactive Skills Challenges:  Growth Mindset and Taking Feedback Well

New Blog: Positive Psychology

You don’t have to be a psychologist to appreciate the power of positive thinking. The way we approach problems, provide customer service, interact with colleagues and perform almost every aspect of our daily work is impacted by the way we think about it. In this month’s blog, Catherine de Salvo explores the practical gains to be had simply from using different vocabulary, reframing tasks, and focusing on what we can do, rather than what we can’t.

Read the full blog here