Offers, excitement and events

Sharing what’s new, what’s on and what’s fun

New Skills Challenge

Aspiring Managers

So-called ‘Accidental Managers’ get promoted because they are good at their current jobs. But you need our aspiring managers to demonstrate evidence that they meet the skills and behaviours of someone at the next level. If you want your aspiring managers to understand what’s required and show that they meet the necessary behaviour criteria, help them to prepare properly by using this new Skills Challenge. It’s part of our monthly series of interactive activities. Find out more and sign up to receive these free each month.

Hot Topic Focus for April

Each month we curate a mini toolkit of multimedia resources on a hot topic in Learning & Development.

Our WATCH & GO® subscribers have full access to this toolkit automatically.

How would you like a toolkit of easy-access bite-sized resources for all your people each month?

Why not get in touch or complete our free trial request?

For April, the hot topic focus is: Think Differently

Thinking differently enables you to explore new perspectives and create innovative solutions. Use these resources to go beyond your comfort zone and question your assumptions.

Resources included in our April mini toolkit are:

Podcasts:  Being Courageous at Work and Practical Positive Thinking

Interactive Skills Challenges:  Fresh Perspectives and Question your Assumptions

Videos:  What to Say When You Need People to Think Outside the Box and What to Say When You Need Extra Resources

Learning At Work Week 2024

13-19 May 2024 Theme: Learning Power

Are you getting ready for Learning At Work Week next month? Would you like a bit of help?

The LAWW theme for 2024 is ‘Learning Power’. What does this year’s theme mean to you? And how can we use it to galvanise learning engagement throughout the whole year?

We’ve prepared a mini toolkit of WATCH & GO® resources to complement the three areas highlighted by the Campaign For Learning’s Learning At Work Week.

Talk to us about getting access to this mini toolkit and read our April blog for quick ideas on how to make Learning At Work Week work for you this year.

Meet other WATCH & GO® customers

The purpose of our Dolphin Forum is to encourage networking between our WATCH & GO® customers and to facilitate introductions to our podcast guests, too. At each session we have a 15-minute presentation by one of our Sound Advice podcast speakers with the opportunity to ask questions and contribute. We also include a breakout room session on a topical L&D subject, enabling you to exchange ideas and inspire one another. The whole event takes just 60 minutes and is a great way to network with like-minded Learning & Development practitioners.

Do join us! For your invitation please contact us.

Date of Next Dolphin Forum: Tuesday, 2nd July 09.30 – 10.30 UK time.