We’re currently working on new videos for our subscribers. At long last, we’re returning to the film studio after the hiatus caused by the pandemic. It feels great to be back writing script treatments, checking dialogue, auditioning actors, and sourcing props. It also feels appropriate to revisit why we do what we do, and to reflect on the relevance of video for learning in today’s workplace.
When I spoke to our co-founder, Hugh Murray, he surmised, “Our videos are virtual support performance tools rather than pure training”. Our aim remains to get the viewer to think about the problems and challenges they face at work, watch the related content from our library, and then apply the lessons learned. In Hugh’s experience, “…this not only improves the immediate performance of the person concerned, but also makes them more effective in the long term, since learning gained from putting ideas into practice is far more effective than learning gained either in the classroom, or from online learning”.
The scenarios portrayed in WATCH & GO videos reflect the real-life discussions happening in the workplace. I’m sure we can all connect with those situations where we’ve seen conflict, had to face difficult conversations, and had to challenge others to do something differently. The videos play out scenarios and offer practical solutions. Video is a great medium for simplifying a message, breaking down a complex idea, and displaying it in an easy-to-understand format. And let’s face it, video can also make a ‘dry topic’ more interesting!
For me, personally, it’s about the narrative and storytelling. And for our director, Catherine de Salvo, her focus is on how, “video is the best medium for illustrating skills and behaviour. Whilst we use audio podcasts to delve deeper into discussion topics, we use visual video to show how to do things well. Videos challenge the viewer to place themselves in the situation, and to think about how they would react”.
Videos can be used anywhere, anytime. Whilst it can be an individual activity, we encourage our customers to use our content in virtual workshops, team building sessions, and group learning activities. Facilitating follow-on discussions in a group session after everyone has collectively watched the video is a great way to really challenge teams and allow reflection on the differing reactions. Videos can be used so they are perfectly timed to enable the learner to address a particular problem or challenge at work. The learner simply looks up the relevant video, observes practical approaches, learns useful phrases, tips and techniques, and applies them - hence ‘Watch & Go!’ This is when learners learn best.
We’ve collaborated with the author, Douglas Miller, on our script treatments for our new video content. It’s been great to share experiences and ideas around internal networking, motivation, meaningful collaboration, hidden bias, receiving feedback, stress management and wellbeing.
Whether you need individuals to improve their skills, revamp their thinking or see things from a different perspective, video is the perfect medium. WATCH & GO videos make them see how to do things better.